Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sunday Night Rush Hour

Our route
After a long night, the alarm was on at 0645 for the Norwich - Liverpool game. We found a pub that was open at this hour, surprisingly enough owned by a Norwegian.

The game was very nerve-wrecking to watch, but once again we came out on top, the margins are really on our side at the moment.

After this we went back to bed, and slept until 1230, enjoying the late check out that Westin has on Sunday.

Dinner at Chili's
We got on the road around 1pm, had brunch at Chilis and really got going a bit after 2pm. A bit late, because we had a 400 miles (650 km) stretch of road going to Washington DC. The drive itself was quite hard, due to the hangover, so we had to change drivers approximately every hour not to fall asleep behind the wheel. Closing in on DC we met massive traffic, and probably used an hour longer than a traffic free drive would be.

We checked into our hotel just before 10pm, went for a walk to the White House, and got a sad supper at McDonalds in lack of better options on a sunday night.

White house at night

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