Thursday, April 24, 2014

Smoky Saturday

Tennessee can be quite nice
Sorry for being late on my posts, but we have been busy/in lack of internet.

So, over to last weekend. Saturday was spent getting from Robinsville to Charlotte, and sunday from Charlotte to Washington DC.

Due too the dry county we were staying in, and early night, we woke up at 7 after 10-ish hours of sleep. Still tired though. We had breakfast at McDonalds, and I can not for the world understand how anybody has breakfast here. It was horrible.

After a nauseating breakfast we drove over the mountains to the west, on a road called the "Tail of the Dragon", a famous stretch of road among motorcyclists. On at least 5 of the curves there were photographers taking pictures the drivers could order online later.

Arriving on the other side, we turned northeast towards Gatlinburg and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Our initial plan was to go for a hike, but after using more time than planned going to Gatlinburg, and hitting weekend NP-traffic there, we found out that the only thing we had time for was the Observation tower at Clingmans Dome. The weather was also edgy, so a hike would probably turn quite wet.

Old fashing map reading
Happy with the short walk we got back in the car and headed for Charlotte. A quite long drive as well, but we felt we needed to spend the Saturday in a city of decent size to enjoy some proper nightlife. The drive there was quite challenging due to a continuous torrential downpour with very low visibility, but we got there safely.

Upside down house in Dollywood
We had dinner at "the best soul food restaurant" in Charlotte, but it was not very impressive, but we filled our stomachs anyhows.

Entering the most visited NP in America
Panorama from Clingmans Dome
Our route

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